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DIY Superhero Artwork

DIY Superhero Artwork

We recently moved my son from a Cars Toddler bed to a twin bed with new Avengers bedding.  He LOVES all Superheroes.  He’s constantly flying around like Superman, shooting web like Spiderman, shooting lasers like Iron Man or using...
Fall Garland Banners Plus Tutorials

Fall Garland Banners Plus Tutorials

Let me start off by saying . . . I love, love, love my new Fall garland!  Do you ever finish up a project and it’s exactly how you envisioned it?  You too?  This is exactly what I was wanting…
 DIY: Pumpkin Wreath

 DIY: Pumpkin Wreath

It may still be in the mid-90s here in Florida but I finished my first Fall project!  I made this adorable felt Pumpkin Wreath! My husband always laughs at me and my love for felt but I can’t help it.  …
DIY Captain America Shield

DIY Captain America Shield

Both of my children have the same clothes hampers in their rooms – wicker ones from Babies R Us that came with a lid.  The lids have always annoyed me so we’ve never used them.  I’ve always just kept them…
Some Fun Kids Activities

Some Fun Kids Activities

Harry from says “It has been a looong week with my son.  He’s 3 years old and boy o boy, does he push every one of my buttons.  I’m trying to give him some constructed play a bit...
DIY I Love My Husband T-shirt

DIY I Love My Husband T-shirt

A friend of mine started a Facebook group called “Bring Back Date Night.”  The purpose of the group is for wives to encourage each other to date their husbands more.  When we have kids, so much of our time and…
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Halloween Favors I was browsing the Target Dollar Spot (I’m addicted to that place) recently and...
DIY Superhero Artwork We recently moved my son from a Cars Toddler bed to a twin bed with new Avengers...
Fall Garland Banners Plus Tutorials Let me start off by saying . . . I love, love, love my new Fall garland!  Do you ever...
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