Every Fall, Jonathan and I will head to the pumpkin patch with Hosea and Sarah, take pictures and pick out a medium sized pumpkin. And then…..the pumpkin sits on our dining table and no one notices it again until it’s time to throw it out. Sad, huh? (Not to mention, a waste of mula). I always have good intentions but alas do nothing with it.
So, we were doing some cleaning after Thanksgiving and I took our unused pumpkin out to the porch to toss in Monday’s trash. Then, I got an idea. Why not use the pumpkin to make something for Christmas! So, in my head popped Frosty the Snowman!
Isn’t he the cutest?!? All I did was paint him (Hosea & I gave him two coats), cut out some coal (aka felt) for his eyes and mouth. Cut out orange felt for his carrot nose and then gave him a scarf (my fave!). Easie peasie!
The funniest thing is that I put him out on an 80 degree day. While we’re not counting on snow this week, I hear it’s supposed to be in the 60s! Good thing too, cause Frosty couldn’t survive in this weather for that much longer!
Happy Sunday!